Calling all creative business owners

NOW is the time to start building the business of your dreams!

stop running your business on autopilot and start crafting the business you truly want

This planner will walk you through getting clear on what you really want to build in your business – and to make sure you create a business that you will love now and in the future.

7 Day Refund Guarantee

This easy to use planner is…


It doesn’t matter what stage of business you are in. This planner is all about you so it’s perfect if you’re starting a new business OR pivoting in your old business.


32 pages of thought-provoking prompts and worksheets to help you envision the business of your dreams, but easy enough to knock out in an afternoon.


Includes worksheets to help you track business basics like expenses and scheduling, but also helps set you up for growth in the future.

The Creative Business Clarity Planner

what do you really really want?

This planner has simple step-by-step worksheets to help you listen to the most important voice: your own. 

 Whether you’re starting from scratch or just ready for a fresh start – this planner is perfect for you!

You have two options



Get the planner for free!

When you join our $7/Month Acorn Accountability Membership!


Purchase for $9


Get instant access to the 5-step process:



First we need to set the stage for success. To do that you need to face where you are in your life and what you have to give to your business



Next you need to do an honest self inventory of your strengths and weaknesses, and to think about what you want (and don’t want) in your business.



Get ready to dream big about your business. And to consider some of the practical matters that are a part of the business you’re going to have.



We all want to make lots of money. So you need to evaluate your business model with a critical eye to make sure it can get you there.



As your business succeeds and grows, you need to think about the things that will change. Make plans now to manage growth later.

You have two options:

Get it for only $9


Stage & Schedule Worksheets

Take an honest look at what’s going on in your life right now to see how much time and energy you have for your business.


Self Evaluation Worksheets

Go over your strengths and weaknesses and consider how those can make or break your business.


Dream Business Basics & Journal Prompts

The sky’s the limit – what kind of business do you really dream about and how can that be structured?


Expense Trackers & Money Makers

You gotta spend money to make money, but you also need to keep track of the money coming in and out.


Sustainability & Scaling Worksheets

Planning now for growth and flexibility can make crafting your dream business and life 10x easier down the road.


Dream Business Roadmap

Fill in the blanks for a roadmap of actionable steps to the business of your dreams.

Or get it for free!


The Creative Business Clarity Planner

Start building a creative business that you truly want right now – whether you’re starting from scratch or just ready for a fresh start!


Nine Lessons

Broken down into bite size pieces with step-by-step instructions and worksheets for every part of the process to take you from creating a clear vision for your business to having actionable plans to reach your goals.


Monthly Planning

A group planning session once a month to help you make the most of your working time at 1:30 pm EST. Normally scheduled the first Monday of each month.


Weekly Coworking

Four hours of Monday coworking sessions each week to get your week off to a good start and get a jumpstart on your goals! Sessions run from 10 am to Noon EST and 2:30-4:30 pm EST.


Daily Support

Drop into our members only Facebookâ„¢ group whenever you need help (or just encouragement) with your creative business plans.

Thinking about the membership option? Folks absolutely love the coworking and planning sessions!

Clarity is crucial!

I created this Creative Business Clarity Planner for myself as much as I created it for you. I’ve had a creative business for over 15 years and have done all kinds of things in the knitting and yarn industry. But the last few years have really hammered home one very important point:

You need to be building and running a business that is right for you – that you created for yourself.

So take some time now to make sure you are starting (or re-starting) the right business for you. This is one of those times that the most important opinion is yours. And we need to be listening to ourselves a whole lot more. It doesn’t matter if you’re starting from scratch or you’re ready for a fresh start, NOW is the perfect time to stop and take stock of what you have going in your business and decide what you WANT to have going.

Last Chance! Get instant access now

You have two options:

Get it for free!


The Creative Business Clarity Planner

Start building a creative business that you truly want right now – whether you’re starting from scratch or just ready for a fresh start!


Nine Lessons

Broken down into bite size pieces with step-by-step instructions and worksheets for every part of the process to take you from creating a clear vision for your business to having actionable plans to reach your goals.


Monthly Planning

A group planning session once a month to help you make the most of your working time at 1:30 pm EST. Normally scheduled the first Monday of each month.


Weekly Coworking

Four hours of Monday coworking sessions each week to get your week off to a good start and get a jumpstart on your goals! Sessions run from 10 am to Noon EST and 2:30-4:30 pm EST.


Daily Support

Drop into our members only Facebookâ„¢ group whenever you need help (or just encouragement) with your creative business plans.

Get it for only $9


Stage & Schedule Worksheets

Take an honest look at what’s going on in your life right now to see how much time and energy you have for your business.


Self Evaluation Worksheets

Go over your strengths and weaknesses and consider how those can make or break your business.


Dream Business Basics & Journal Prompts

The sky’s the limit – what kind of business do you really dream about and how can that be structured?


Expense Trackers & Money Makers

You gotta spend money to make money, but you also need to keep track of the money coming in and out.


Sustainability & Scaling Worksheets

Planning now for growth and flexibility can make crafting your dream business and life 10x easier down the road.


Dream Business Roadmap

Fill in the blanks for a roadmap of actionable steps to the business of your dreams.



Considering the membership option? Our members just rave about how much they can get done with us!

Frequently asked questions

Q: I am a new business owner and I’m just getting started. Will this still work for me?

A: Yes, this is a great option for you. You can start your business from scratch to be exactly what you want!

Q: I’ve been in business for a while. Will I still find value?

A: Yes, this solution will work particularly well for you. You will have a great idea of what works for you and what doesn’t as you map out the business of your dreams.

Q: I am not tech savvy. Is this hard to use?

A: No, this is specifically setup so that you can use it in many ways – you can fill out the pages on your computer, you can print them out and fill them in, or you can just use a journal and the prompts.

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes, there is a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.

Q: When will I get access?

A: You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase.

Q: I don’t have a business yet. Will this still work for me?

A: YES! This helps you to get clarity about what kinds of business you really want. It’s a great way to really get clear and avoid costly and stressful mistakes.

Q: Does this only work for crafty business owners?

A: No, this works for all kind of folks who are running their own business. Even folks outside the creative/crafty world will find this clarity planner extremely valuable.

Q: Can I wait and buy this later?

A: Yes, but I am not sure how long this product will be available and the price can go up any time (this is a special introductory price).

Money Back Guarantee

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes absolutely! We swear by our training, so much so we offer a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.




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