Looking for accountability and focus in your creative business?
Grab my 3-step roadmap to a better week!
Hi I’m Corrina!
Life is full of crossroads.
When we moved 800 miles away and I became a stay-at-home mom my boys had the audacity to go off to school. That’s when I learned to knit and ended up becoming a knitting designer. I published hundreds of patterns, wrote two books, and become a magazine editor.
But then in 2019 both my boys were grown and out of the house, and my editor job ended abruptly. I was ready to dive back in on my knitting design and technical editing business and figure out what I wanted to do next. More crossroads. But I was a mess. I struggled with organization and productivity and just really not knowing what I needed to do to reach my goals.
But 2020 would be my year, right? 🤣
But as we all know, 2020 was even worse – for all of us. Since then I wasted a lot of time and money trying to find that magic trick that would get me back on track. Surely it had to be out there! I was willing to do whatever I could to break myself out of this slump.
So finally I said enough was enough!
After a lot of trial and error I figured out the best system to make step by step plans to achieve my goals. But I sadly realized that I didn’t have a way to make sure I executed the plans. So as 2022 rolled around I knew I had to change something. Anything.
Fortunately, I picked the right thing to change. I tried some virtual coworking sessions and it was just amazing. I would get more done in that hour in a zoom room with a hundred strangers than I did the rest of the entire day – sometimes more than the rest of the entire week. So, I looked for a coworking membership with folks like me, but I couldn’t find it. Everything I found was very “tech-bro” feeling and I’m more of a “art-girl” kind of person.
But coworking worked so well for me, that I decided if I couldn’t find what I was looking for, I would create it. I invited a few of my fellow yarnie entrepreneurs and we got to work. And work we did – because coworking works magic for ALL of us. And I truly think it could work magic for you too.
Transform your business in just three steps…
Create a vision for your dream business, and set goals that will actually move your business forward.
Take those goals and turn them into a workable step-by-step plan that you can actually do.
Work the plan with us during focused planning, review, and coworking sessions.
Testimonials from coworkers
The Membership
Having a workable plan and built-in accountability makes all the difference if you are really ready to grow. Take your creative business to the next level with our weekly virtual coworking hours and supportive community.
Resources for you!
The Don’t
Delay Deck
This free deck of motivational cards has 27 ideas, tips, tricks, and motivational kicks in the can for those days when you can’t even.
Business Clarity Planner
Start building a creative business that you want right now – whether you’re starting from scratch or just ready for a fresh start!
Join our Creative Business Group
We are building a Facebook community of crafty and creative business owners who believe in community over competition!
Frequently asked questions
Q: What do I need to join and participate?
A: You just need to be able to access the meetings via zoom. Some folks like to run zoom on a phone or tablet so they can keep their computer screen free for working.
Q: What if I need to join late or leave early?
A: We admit folks into the zoom room throughout the whole session, so it’s never a problem to join late. And if you need to leave early of course you can!
Q: What is the cancellation policy?
A: You can cancel your subscription at any time. Your membership will be good until the end of your billing period.
Q: What is the pomodoro method?
A: It’s the timer method we use during coworking sessions to keep us on track. It’s 25 minutes of focused work, followed by a 5 minute break to regroup and get ready for the next session. We do this four times during each 2-hour session.
Money Back Guarantee
Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?
A: Yes absolutely! We swear by our training, so much so we offer a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee. And if you want to try a free session first, just shoot us an e-mail.